Nov. 18th,2013, Mr. Wolfgang Fulterer, the Export Manager of Fulterer, Mr. HerberMueller, CEO of Fulterer USA and Mr. Simon Yeung visited Guub Technology andhad a depth discussion with Guub about the long-term co-operation. Mr. Lee, thePresident, Mr. Wang, Marketing Director and colleagues from International SalesDept. of Guub welcomed and had a meetingwith them.
Since Oct. of2012,when Guub andFulterer established strategy partnership, two parties have paid all theirefforts in developing the electronic cabinet lock business in Europe market. Duringthe meeting, Fulterer shared with Guub the sales performance of 2013, marketfeedback etc, which can be valuable suggestions for Guub to develop Europe andUS market. In the meanwhile, Guub demonstrated its new electronic lock modelsof 2014 and discussed with Fulterer sales strategy, sales channels, marketingetc regarding the new models.
From thismeeting, the partnership between Guub and Fulterer has been cemented; along-term co-operation strategy has been set up.